Page 33 - Sarah's Children
P. 33

no other path for you and I.

               In the Introduction to this book I spoke about some of the honor and glory that
               attends women who choose the narrow path before them. There is an even more
               glorious heavenly reward that awaits those who overcome all as they pursue the One
               who has laid hold of them. After suffering Yahshua was glorified and exalted. So too
               was Joseph. We have these words written for us:

                       I Peter 5:10
                       After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called
                       you  to  His  eternal  glory  in  Christ,  will  Himself  perfect,  confirm,
                       strengthen and establish you.

               This book on Sarah’s Children must of necessity begin with these things. Certainly
               many  will  be  offended  and  fall  away  as  they  read,  but  the  Overcomers  will  go
               forward. Nothing will turn them from the course before them. They will drink the
               bitter cup, they will take up their cross, they will love not their lives, and they will
               enter into realms of glory.

               Such is the good will and pleasure of the Father.
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