Page 81 - SABBATH
P. 81

name of the Father also be restored? I am witnessing many, who have previously not known
               the names Yahweh and Yahshua, come to know these names and use them. This is not
               something organized by man, but it is a sovereign work of the Holy Spirit.
                     The replacement and subsequent forgetting of the memorial name of God is a great
               tragedy and it is at least partially attributable to men choosing their traditions over the will
               of Yahweh. In my own life I am convinced that I am to choose the will of the Father over the
               traditions of men. If the Holy Spirit thought it important to record for mankind the name
               of Yahweh, then I must conclude that it is both significant and important.
                     To those who call the Savior by the name Jesus, I find no reason to condemn this
               practice. As a teacher to the church of Yahshua I seek to impart understanding of the
               mysteries hidden in the scriptures. It is my conviction that the Spirit of Yahweh would have
               me use the name Yahshua in these writings to facilitate understanding, not to throw rocks
               at those who use another name.
                     I trust this will serve as a suitable explanation of the usage of divine names throughout
               this book, and other writings of this author.
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