Page 90 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 90

end of the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark...

               An Unsettling Discovery

               They returned again  and  again  to that  vast  government warehouse. But  then they discovered
               something disturbing.

               Over the years, NASA had removed massive numbers of magnetic tapes from the shelves. In the early
               1980s alone, tens of thousands of boxes were withdrawn.

               It turns out that new satellites had gone up and were producing a lot of data that needed to be
               recorded. "These satellites were suddenly using tapes seven days a week, 24 hours a day," says

               And the agency was experiencing a critical shortage of magnetic tapes. So NASA started erasing old
               ones and reusing them.

               That's probably what happened to the original footage from the Moon that the astronauts captured
               with their lunar camera, says Lebar. It was stored on telemetry tapes, and old tapes with telemetry
               data were being recycled.

               "So I don't believe that the tapes exist today at all," says Lebar. "It was a hard thing to accept. But
               there was just an overwhelming amount of evidence that led us to believe that they just don't exist
               anymore. And you have to accept reality."

               Such an explanation defies credibility. Would you believe it if the government told you they had lost
               track of the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence? What if they told you they had
               a shortage of paper, so they erased these seminal documents and recorded the minutes for some
               mundane Congressional meetings on them? This is the scale of the immense lie they would like you
               to believe. The truth is, NASA purposely degraded the original Apollo 11 broadcasts to make it more
               difficult for people to detect the ruse which was being perpetrated on them. They did not then, nor
               do they now, want people to have high quality video which can be scrutinized for signs of deception.

               The obfuscation of history does not end here, however. America has never had rockets powerful
               enough to send a manned space ship all the way to the Moon and back. Below is an excerpt from The
               Myth of Apollo (Author Anonymous).
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