Page 95 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 95

Freemasons to the Moon

               The New Age Magazine is the official periodical for the Supreme Council, 33rd Degree of Scottish
               Rite Freemasonry in North America. The image above shows the cover for the November 1969
               edition, and bears the words “Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr., 32° ON THE Moon.” Yes, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin,
               the second man to set foot on the Moon, was a 32nd degree Freemason. A truth that has remained
               undiscovered by the majority of the public is that NASA has from its inception been a Masonic
               organization. Like Freemasonry, NASA is a thoroughly occult organization. Lucifer is its ultimate
               leader, and deception is practiced as a matter of course.

               In Washington, D.C., America’s capital city, there stands a statue of Albert Pike, who was the
               Sovereign Grand Commander of Scottish Rite Freemasonry from 1859 until his death in 1891. It was
               Pike who wrote the encyclopedic tome on Freemasonry titled Morals and Dogma. This book has
               been considered the Bible of Freemasonry for more than a century.

               Morals and Dogma, 1871

               The  double-headed  eagle  is  a  well  known  symbol  of  Scottish  Rite  Freemasonry.  It  is  found
               everywhere throughout the organization.
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