Page 86 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 86

received threats at their home, but the threats had stopped in recent weeks.


               Note what is stated in the video above. Thomas Baron testified that the Apollo program was in such
               disarray that the United States would never make it to the Moon. When one Congressman asked
               Baron if NASA had not had some successes, he responded, “Yes, but not in the Apollo program.”

               Consider the contradiction of the testimonies of men like Gus Grissom and Thomas Baron and the
               image NASA was presenting to the public. Grissom hung a lemon on the Apollo command module
               simulator and complained that NASA could not even establish reliable radio contact between two
               or three buildings on the ground. Yet we are to believe that a mere two years later NASA was able
               to send men to the Moon, with perfect communication the entire way, a distance of some 240,000
               miles, and even hold a live televised phone call with the American President while they were on the
               surface of the Moon.

               At the time of the Apollo 1 tragedy in late 1967 NASA had not sent a man beyond a low Earth orbit.
               They had never had a successful launch of the Saturn V rocket. They had never attempted to dock
               the lunar module and command module together in space. They had never landed a space vehicle
               on any planetary surface and then taken off again. They had never tested a spaceship’s or spacesuit’s
               ability to heat and cool itself in the temperature extremes of the lunar surface where the temperature
               varies from 250 degrees Fahrenheit in the sun to -380 degrees at night without any atmosphere (and
               this magnificent air conditioning had to be battery powered). They had never subjected a human to
               the intense radiation of the Van Allen Belts.

               Yet NASA would have people believe that two years after all of these whistleblowers were silenced
               they were able to send men to the Moon to walk around on its surface, take off again, rendezvous
               with the lunar orbiter, and fly 240,000 miles back to Earth to experience the fiery conditions of
               reentry and be successfully recovered at sea. Not only this, but they were to repeat this process seven
               times in a three year span without the loss of a single life. What a disparity there is between the
               number of astronauts who died prior to the Moon missions, in far less perilous environments, and
               the success and safety of the men who were traveling all the way to the lunar surface and back!

               Silencing  dissenters  is  not  the  only  means  of  hiding  the  truth  from  the  public.  NASA  has
               mysteriously “lost” or destroyed much of the historical evidence relating to the Apollo Moon
               missions, particularly the most famous mission when man supposedly first set foot on the surface
               of the Moon. Much of the evidence demonstrating that NASA faked the Moon landings relates to
               the photographic and video images that were made available to the public as the missions were
               taking place. Consequently, having access to the clearest and highest quality images is vital to fact
               checking the veracity of the missions. Following is a summary of what occurred with these “lost”
               NASA videos.

               Search is On For Original Apollo 11 Tapes
               NPR July 31, 2006

               Almost everyone on the planet who had access to television watched the first Moon landing, back
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