Page 235 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 235

It’s Unbelievably Perfect

               The article above shows Neil Armstrong’s wife Jan who also stated, “I can't believe it is really
               happening.” People not only cross their fingers for good luck, but they cross their fingers when they
               are lying. Buzz Aldrin’s wife is also quoted as saying, “It seems like a dramatic TV show, but it
               seems unreal.”

               Following is an UPI article printed in The Times - News of Hendersonville, North Carolina on July
               21, 1969.
                                          Wives of Astronauts ‘Couldn’t Believe It’

                                          The wives of the Apollo 11 astronauts couldn’t believe it, either.

                                          “I can’t believe it’s really happening,” said Mrs. Jan Armstrong after
                                          she saw her husband Neil walking on the moon. Mrs. Joan Aldrin called
                                          it “unreal” and Mrs. Pat Collins “marvelous, fantastic...”

                                          “It’s fantastic,” Jan Armstrong, a pretty, trim woman with gray streaking
                                          her dark hair, told newsmen. “And I’m just as excited as you all are...”

                                          “The evening has been unbelievably perfect,” Mrs. Armstrong said...

                                          Mrs. Aldrin hugged her father, Michael Archer, when the Eagle lunar
                                          vehicle was safely down.

                                          “It was hard to think it was real until the men actually moved,” she said
                                          of the live television pictures of her husband and Armstrong moving
                                          through the shadows of their spacecraft on the Moon.

                                          “I felt like I was looking at another simulation.”

                                          Pat Collins - her green eyes set off by a chartreuse dress - met the press
                                          after the landing and said, “I thought it was positively beautiful.”
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