Page 234 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 234

Do you see a similarity between the carpet on which Buzz Lightyear is standing and the carpet where
               we saw the Apollo 11 launch simulated in The Shining?

               Apollo 11 Launch

               In this additional image from Toy Story 3, we see a security camera with “Overlook 237” written on
               its side. The movie The Shining took place at the Overlook Hotel, and room 237 signified the “Moon
               Room.” The powers-that-be which control global media, have often used subtlety in ways which
               appear  to  mock  the  intelligence  of  the  masses.  As  we  previously  observed  in  the  National
               Geographic article on Apollo 8 which was titled A Most Fantastic Voyage, and their later article on
               The Incredible Story of Apollo 11, the media has covertly been declaring the Apollo program to be
               a fiction, yet the people have not perceived the message.

               The Apollo 11 astronauts did not behave as the space conquerors the Apollo mythology made them
               out to be. I wonder even if the selection of a name from mythology to identify the Moon program
               (as well as other NASA programs) is not intended as a sly means of announcing that NASA is
               creating myths, rather than  reality. In researching the Moon landing hoax I have come across
               numerous instances where Apollo astronauts, their wives, or associated individuals, have expressed
               themselves in ways which convey a double entendre. For example, during Apollo 8, the first mission
               to take men into orbit around the Moon, James Lovell described what he was observing with the
               following words.

               The Moon is essentially grey, no color; looks like plaster of Paris or sort of a grayish beach sand.

               Plaster of Paris and beach sand may well have been used to create a model of the Moon which was
               used to fake the Apollo 8 Mission. In Associated Press articles in newspapers around the world
               announcing man setting foot on the Moon in July of 1969, we find the following words.
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