Page 240 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 240

rockets that could carry new spacecraft beyond Earth orbit.

               Currently, he said, the 5-year-old Constellation program is burning through billions of dollars and
               falling further behind schedule. The program couldn't get American astronauts back to the moon
               until at least 2028, he said.

               "So as much as we would not like it to be the case . . . the truth is that we were not on a path to get
               back to the moon's surface," Bolden said.

               To  summarize  some  of  the  highlights  of  this  article.  NASA’s  Constellation  Program  was
               experiencing “technical problems” in its rocket development. NASA Administrator Charles Bolden
               said the Constellation could not return men to the Moon sooner than the year 2028. He frankly
               stated, “as much as we would not like it to be the case . . . the truth is that we were not on a path to
               get back to the moon's surface.”

               The current NASA pipe dream is the Space Launch System (SLS). The SLS was initiated upon the
               cancellation of the Constellation Program in 2010. It envisions taking the Ares I and Ares V rockets
               of the Constellation Program and transforming them into a single heavy lift platform which will
               eventually have a 20% greater thrust than the Saturn V, while being able to carry the same payload.
               Notice, however, that all announcements relating to the SLS are in the future tense. “NASA plans
               deep space rocket.”

               Houston, we have a problem! I hope it is obvious to readers that something is very much amiss with
               the NASA narrative. Why has NASA not been able to produce a single rocket with the advertised
               capabilities of the Apollo Program’s Saturn V, despite fifty years of development? What technical
               problems are hindering today’s rocket scientists, who have access to computer systems billions of
               times  more  powerful  than  those  of  the  Apollo  era,  along  with  space  age  materials  and  other
               technological breakthroughs, from repeating something that men with slide rules and baling wire
               accomplished in the 1960s?

               The obvious conclusion is that NASA lied about its accomplishments in the Apollo Program, and
               the lie was so extraordinary that man still cannot accomplish fifty years later what NASA boasted
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