Page 216 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 216

related that astronaut ice cream never existed during the Apollo era. It was nothing more than a sale’s


               What a way to destroy childhood innocence! You mean to tell me now that astronaut ice cream was
               a hoax? Why would NASA perpetuate such a monstrous deception? If astronaut ice cream was fake,
               then what can we possibly trust to be real in this world?

               I am being overly dramatic. However, I do find it fitting that this story of a “minor” deception comes
               from the U.S. Space and Rocket Center where one can view exhibits on the history of the American
               space program. They even have a Saturn V rocket on display. The museum visitor would be well
               served to be provided with a disclaimer before entering this facility.

               The more one looks into the Apollo Space Program, the more they discover that the claims of men
               rocketing to the Moon and returning to Earth are suffering from an erosion of evidence. We have
               already observed that NASA claims to have lost the high-definition video tapes of the Apollo Moon
               missions. They also, at the direction of Congress, destroyed all material related to the Saturn V
               rocket, rendering it impossible to recreate the rocket or examine its designs to see whether it was
               truly capable of the things NASA claimed it could do. We read of the disappearance of Thomas
               Barron’s 500 page report on the shortcomings of the Apollo Program, a report he presented to a
               Congressional special committee. Thomas Barron, his wife, and stepdaughter were found dead at
               a Florida railroad crossing a few days after he submitted the report. This insured that the missing
               report could not be re-created.

               One of the telltale signs of a deception is disappearing evidence, evidence which could be used to
               test the veracity of what actually occurred. My aim in this writing is to encourage believers to walk
               with their eyes opened, being alert to signs of deception and the actions of lying men and women.
               Such events are encountered all the time. For example, in 2014 Lois Lerner, director of the Internal
               Revenue Service's Exempt Organizations Unit, was cited for contempt of Congress for her failure
               to  cooperate  in  the  investigation  of  political  malfeasance by  the  IRS  as  it  targeted  Tea  Party
               organizations, subjecting them to harassment and unjust tax rulings. An investigation by the U.S.
               Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation, which was completed in 2015, “found
               no  evidence  that  any  IRS  official  acted  based  on  political,  discriminatory,  corrupt,  or  other
               inappropriate motives that would support a criminal prosecution.”

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