Page 212 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 212

The Space Shuttle, by contrast, heated to 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit.


               In faking the Moon missions, NASA need only show the astronauts entering into the Command
               Module atop the Saturn V. Due to design changes mandated by the Apollo 1 disaster, the astronauts
               could open the hatch on the Command Module from the inside and exit freely. I find it quite
               plausible to believe this is what actually occurred. All of the Apollo Mission sequences would
               already have been filmed so they could be broadcast to the world as if they were a live mission. The
               Saturn V rocket’s ascent was never straight up. It always went into a low earth orbit before heading
               to the Moon. This is why viewers always observe the rocket arcing out over the ocean. NASA could
               have sent the rocket out of sight to some remote area of the South Atlantic and ditched it into the
               ocean. All they would need to do afterwards, is roll their pre-recorded film as if it was a live mission,
               and at the time for the mission’s end, they could drop an Apollo Command Module from a high
               flying cargo plane in the vicinity of the splash down area, and no one would be the wiser. Any
               terrestrial observers would see the Command Module floating serenely to the Earth as it was slowed
               by three immense parachutes.

               If such a scenario sounds far-fetched, consider that NASA tested all of the Command Modules by
               dropping them out of the backs of airplanes. There is video available of them doing this with the
               Mercuy, Gemini, Apollo, and now the new Orion capsules.

               Apollo Command Module Parachute Drop Test


               (Note: You can go to the 5:10 mark in the video to see the airplane portion of the drop test.)

               Orion Command Module Parachute Drop Test


               None of the Apollo Mission capsules upon their return from the Moon, were observed hurtling
               through sky prior to the moment their parachutes deployed, which was typically at an altitude of
               more than 20,000 feet for the drogue chutes, and 10,000 feet for their main chutes. Although the U.S.
               government  had  Navy  vessels  waiting  to  recover  the  Command  Modules  and  astronauts,  the
               splashdown into the ocean invariably occurred either at night, during cloudy weather, or miles away
               from the location of the rescue vessels. As if they were playing it safe, all three of the Apollo
               Missions which generated the greatest interest by the public, and received the maximum amount of
               television coverage, experienced reentry at night. Apollo 8, which was the first Mission to leave
               lower earth orbit and circle the Moon, Apollo 11 which was the first landing on the Moon, and
               Apollo 13, whose drama captivated the world, all experienced splashdown in the dark of night when
               it would have been impossible to observe the capsules being dropped out of the back of a high flying
               cargo airplane.

               The world knows Wernher Von Braun as a rocket scientist. It is not as well known that he knew a
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