Page 213 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 213

few things about faking a rocket mission to the Moon. At the age of 19, Wernher Von Braun began
               working as an assistant to an older and more accomplished German rocket scientist, Hermann
               Oberth. Just two years prior to this association, Hermann Oberth served as a consultant to German
               film director Fritz Lang on his famous movie Frau im Mond (Woman in the Moon), released in

               Oberth was employed by Fritz Lang to advise him on how to make a rocket mission to the moon
               appear realistic. Fritz Lang wanted to portray the steps required to get men to the Moon in a credible
               fashion. Space agencies from around the world have duplicated key aspects of Lang’s movie which
               add drama to the presentation of rocket launches. One such detail is the dramatic roll-out of the
               massive rocket to the launch pad followed by the countdown sequence.

               Fritz Lang Rocket Roll Out
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