Page 176 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 176

fires of Beltaine were his.

               Beltaine is commonly celebrated on May 1 . In the movie The Shining Jack Torrance discusses his
               contract with the hotel manager Stuart Ullman. It is disclosed that Jack’s service ends on May 1 ,
               the very date that the fires of Beltaine/Apollo are lit. In other words, once the Apollo 11 mission has
               ascended into the heavens in fiery glory and safely returned to Earth, Stanley Kubrick’s service as
               crafter and caretaker of America’s secrets would no longer be needed.

               Having studied the film 2001, A Space Odyssey, and observing in it a skillfully crafted retelling of
               the age old Luciferian idolatry which has manifested through the centuries through many names and
               in various disguises, it became evident that Kubrick is well acquainted with occult and pagan beliefs.
               So too have key figures within NASA been acquainted with the ancient Luciferian doctrines. Those
               who  were  high  level  Freemasons  would  have  been  instructed  in  the  esoteric  beliefs  of  the
               organization, beliefs which are hidden from members of lower degrees. Those who have been
               considered the sages of Freemasonry, men like Albert Pike (Morals and Dogma), Albert Mackey
               (The Symbolism of Freemasonry), and Manly Hall (The Secret Teachings of All Ages) have disclosed
               the ancient occult beliefs which Satan has preserved to this present hour.

               It seems fitting, like the ancients who labored to construct the Tower of Babel, a monument of men
               which would enable them to ascend to the heavens, that NASA should be possessed of the same anti-
               Christ spirit. That NASA is an occult organization is revealed in the names it has so often affixed
               to its works: Apollo, Gemini, Mercury, Saturn, Orion, ISiS, Aquarius, Phoenix, and many others.

               Before there was NASA there was a federally funded organization named JPL, or the Jet Propulsion
               Laboratory. One of the initial founders of JPL was Jack Parsons. Insiders have often referred to JPL
               as Jack Parsons Laboratory. JPL was formed in the mid 1930s under a different name as two budding
               rocket enthusiasts consulted with academics at California Institute of Technology. The group adopted
               the name Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 1943 in the midst of America’s involvement in World War
               II. The government funded their research and contracted with them for military hardware. Eventually
               JPL was folded into NASA when the space agency was established by Congress in the year 1958.

               Examining the roots from which NASA sprang forth can be revealing. It is an exploration into
               darkness and great evil. Few would imagine how two things as seemingly disparate as rocket science
               and Satanic worship could be blended together at the birth of the American space program.

               Jack Whiteside Parsons is unknown to many, an enigma to others, and a cult icon to a remnant. He
               was born Marvel Whiteside Parsons on October 2, 1914, named after his father Marvel H. Parsons.
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