Page 173 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 173

One of the most revealing moments of symbolic meaning in the movie occurs when young Danny
               is observed playing with his trucks on a carpeted hallway. There is an unusual geometric pattern to
               the carpet. It is a hexagonal pattern which resembles rocket pad 39 at Cape Canaveral, Florida where
               the Apollo missions were launched. The launching pad is symbolized by the red hexagon at the
               center where Danny is bent over. As he is playing, a tennis ball rolls up to him. This symbolically
               repeats the invitation the twins had given to Danny; “Come play with us Danny.” There was no one
               present to roll the ball to him, so we are left to assume that the malevolent spirit of The Overlook
               Hotel was responsible for rolling the ball.

               As Danny stands up, Stanley Kubrick announces through subtle means his own acceptance to play
               ball, for on Danny’s sweater is an image of Apollo 11. As Danny stands up we are observing a
               symbolic launching of Apollo 11 lifting up from the pad 39.

               Beginning Launch

               We Have Lift Off
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