Page 172 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 172

At one point in The Shining, Danny is riding his big wheel around the hotel when he sees the twins
               at the end of a hallway. The say to him, “Come and play with us Danny, forever and ever.” Danny
               then sees flashes of the twins murdered.

               In one part of the movie Jack begins to see people that were formerly invisible to him. One large
               meeting hall is populated with the elite of the world. We are being informed that Stanley Kubrick
               has now been given entre into the circles of the global elite. While in this room, Jack meets the
               former caretaker who is now working as a waiter. Since the caretaker had the same job Jack now
               holds, we are informed that Jack really isn’t one of the elite, but merely a servant.

               The former caretaker informs Jack that his son Danny is “trying to bring an outsider” into their
               business. Jack receives this information soberly, knowing that it represents a threat to their lives. The
               job title of the character played by Nicholson, that of a “caretaker,” is imbued with meaning. He had
               better “take care” with the information he has been made privy to, for he has been entrusted with the
               responsibilities of a caretaker of American secrets.
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