Page 59 - Living Epistles
P. 59

Some time later, after God had led Bill Britton and his family to Springfield,
               Missouri, they had the following experience.

               One of the ways God confirmed His presence was in providing for our needs
               by miracle after miracle. The Plymouth was a fascinating example. God had
               been providing furniture for the big house, but out old car would hardly run.
               It was an Oldsmobile, a large family car, but it had a bad motor. Many times
               it would not start, and sometimes Daddy would go to the post office and not
               be able to get it started to return home. He was in a travail of prayer, but
               was sure God would somehow meet the need. One night a visiting preacher
               talked  Daddy  into  going  to  a  used  car  lot  to  see  a  car.  It  was  a  1956
               Plymouth, and good enough to get around town to run errands. Without
               even looking at our old car, the dealer gave Daddy a price for a trade-in.
               Daddy agreed to buy it, and shook hands on the deal. So they came home to
               get the Oldsmobile and finalize the deal. But when they went back to the car
               dealer, he announced that he would have to have another $25.00 more. As
               much as we needed another car, $25 did not look like an obstacle at all. But
               Daddy heard God speaking to him: “This deal is not from Me. You shook
               hands on the sale, so I am giving you a way out. Since he has changed the
               deal, you are not obligated. Do not buy the car.” So he came home without
               the Plymouth. He could not understand why God had said “No.”

               The next morning, just before lunch, Daddy had a phone call from California.
               It was Brother Bert Reed in Costa Mesa. He said, “Brother Bill, God told me
               sometime back that there was a car for you in Springfield. My brother-in-
               law has just arrived from Chicago with his wife. He is going to work for me,
               and I am trying to get him out of debt. He had two cars, and he left one of
               them in Springfield with his father. I have paid off what he owes on it, and
               I am sending the title to you. It’s your car, so go out to the house and get it.
               His father is expecting you.” We went to get the car... and guess what... it
               was a 1956 Plymouth, and better than the one he had almost bought the night
               before. Daddy advertised the Oldsmobile for sale, and a man came to see it.
               It was just what he was looking for to give his wife. Daddy warned him that
               it had a bad motor. “Oh, that’s okay,” he said “I am a mechanic, and it won’t
               cost me much to fix it up. It’s just what I want.” So we had a good car, plus
               $150  from  the  sale  of  the  Olds,  instead  of  being  in  debt  $700  for  the
               Plymouth. God is gracious, and it is always good to listen to His still, small
               voice. His way is best.
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