Page 60 - Living Epistles
P. 60

George Mueller

               The name George Muller is familiar to many Christians who have heard of his
               work in providing for thousands of orphans in England during the 1800s. His
               was a remarkable life. He was born in Prussia in 1805, what would now be
               called Germany. The Prussian people were known for certain characteristics
               that some have attributed to the region’s success and influence.

               Many people believe that some specific "Prussian virtues" were part of the
               reasons  for  the  rise  of  their  country,  for  instance:  perfect  organization,
               discipline, sacrifice, rule of law, obedience to authority, reliability, tolerance,
               honesty, frugality, punctuality, modesty, and diligence.

               These traits describe George Muller’s life and ministry throughout his adult
               life, but they were far from him as a youth. He was not raised in a Christian
               home, though his father chose for him to pursue a career as a clergyman. This
               had nothing to do with any religious belief, or devotion. It was merely a career
               decision to provide a good living and security for his father in his old age.

               Before he was ten years old George Muller was stealing money from his father.
               As he entered his teen years he was drinking regularly, reading novels, and
               living an immoral life. His dishonesty led to his being jailed at the age of 16 for
               a brief period, having run up bills at expensive hotels that he could not pay.
               His father paid off his bills and beat him severely upon his return home. He
               was then sent off to study for the university and to prepare for a job among the
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