Page 56 - Living Epistles
P. 56

During a particularly difficult season of testing a brother in Christ sent me a
               copy of Bill Britton’s autobiography which is titled Prophet on Wheels. I found
               encouragement to sustain me in the midst of my trials as I read the accounts
               of Bill Britton’s own experiences. Our lives were very similar in some ways. We
               had both received a call from God to teach the saints of God truths that they
               rarely  considered.  Our  audiences  were  often  those  “outside  the camp”  of
               mainstream  denominationalism.  Bill  too  was  led  to  quit  his  job  selling
               insurance while he still had young children, and was led to look to the Father
               for all the needs of his family. He too struggled, yet God sustained him.

               The following account from Prophet on Wheels that encouraged me mightily.

               After a year with the insurance company, Daddy (Bill Britton) had been
               promoted to State Trainer. He trained all the new agents that were hired in
               Kansas. He would teach the men about insurance and then take them with
               him to show them how to sell. The company decided to enlarge its territory
               into Oklahoma. Daddy was selected as the man to travel over the state and
               hire new agents. So along with the manager of the new Oklahoma District,
               we mover to Oklahoma.

               At a fellowship meeting in Wichita, Brother C.L. Moore had prophesied to
               Daddy that God was changing his ministry, and named the ministry in
               which God was going to use him. This had been spoken over him just a few
               months previously by two other preachers, but it was still hard for Daddy to
               receive. However, he respected Brother Moore as a prophet, and opened his
               heart for this new work to come to pass. Oklahoma was a preparation time
               for this new ministry to begin to develop.

               Daddy’s job carried him all over the state during the week. It was a good job.
               He put ads in the newspapers and held interviews in the employment agency
               of the city he was working in that day. He was instructed to drive a nice car,
               stay in the best hotels, eat the finest meals in the best restaurants, leave large
               tips and give the company the appearance of prosperity. They would pay the
               bill. He had a nice salary and an expense account.

               It was during this time that God began to anoint him to write. He took his
               typewriter along, and in the afternoons and evenings in the hotel he would
               write about the truths God was revealing. “THE PATTERN SON” book came
               from the messages written during this time. The prophecy given to him in
               Memphis in 1950 was coming to pass.
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