Page 28 - Laying Down the Law
P. 28

I was able to take my heart (passions, motives and desires) and my thoughts, and
              place them inside the individual. This is what Yahshua accomplished when He sent
              forth His Spirit to indwell man. Yahshua made it possible for mankind to be partakers
              of the divine nature, to know the thoughts of God, and to experience His heart.
                    The Law presented to man a shadow of God’s thoughts and heart. It could not
              disclose Him intimately. To truly know Yahweh we must become partakers of the
              same Spirit.
                    People of God, the shadow was given until the substance realized in Christ
              should come. The Law still holds benefit, for much wisdom can be gained by studying
              its shadows. However, it no longer functions in its role as guide and restrainer to
              those in Christ. The saints have received something far superior, even the living and
              abiding Spirit of Christ dwelling in their members.
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