Page 30 - Laying Down the Law
P. 30

the conscience - concerned only with foods and drinks, various washings, and
                      fleshly ordinances imposed until the time of reformation.

                    What is the accumulated message of all these passages? It is that the Law was
              a weak and deficient work instituted until that which is perfect should come.
                    Let us look at the specific deficiencies of the Law. Many who are espousing the
              continuance of the Law today like to divide the Law into various parts that they might
              declare  that  one  part  has  ended,  while  another  part  continues.  Although  this
              distinction is never made by the apostles when they speak of the Law, I think it may
              be of benefit to address the Law by its various parts in order to demonstrate that
              whether one is speaking of the ceremonial Law, the Laws of sacrifices and offerings,
              or the moral Law, all are weak and deficient. All have been supplanted by something
              far superior.
                    Consider  again  the  Father’s  wider  plan  for  mankind  as  we  begin  this
              examination. Yahweh desires sons in His own image, who are partakers of His own
              nature. When the Law was given, mankind lacked this inner spiritual life. It would be
              another 1500 years until a Savior would come who would accomplish the will of
              Yahweh. Sin would be atoned for. The certificate of debt consisting of decrees against
              us would be nailed to the cross of Christ. The way would be opened for union with the
              Father. The Spirit would be given to indwell mankind. Men would receive a new spirit
              and a new heart. Until that time arrived, it seemed good to the Father to provide man
              a testimony of the things that lay ahead, and a means to show mankind their sinful
              condition and need of a Savior.

                      Galatians 3:24-25
                      Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be
                      justified by faith. But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor.

                    In the ceremonial parts of the Law, including Feast days and Sabbaths, washings
              and offerings, the manifold plan of God for the reformation of man was revealed. In
              the sacrifices of the Law we see the principle of atonement, of the soul of one creature
              serving as a substitute for the life of another. The Scriptures declare, “The soul that
              sins must die,” but Yahweh permitted another soul to die in our place. Bulls, goats
              and other animals were a type and shadow of that perfect sacrifice to be realized in
              Christ. In the moral Law we see a shadow of the righteousness, justice, holiness, and
              will of Yahweh. Yet it too is imperfect, and something much fuller is to be found in

                    The Ceremonial Law and Offerings

                      Colossians 2:16-17
                      Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect
                      to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day - things which are a shadow of
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