Page 25 - Laying Down the Law
P. 25

There is yet more to what God does in accomplishing for us this great salvation.
              Understanding the types and shadows of what the Israelites experienced will help us
              to perceive that which Christ has accomplished for us. The experience of Israel was
              given as a type of us, the saints of God in Christ.

                      I Corinthians 10:11
                      And all these things as types did happen to those persons, and they were
                      written for our admonition, to whom the end of the ages did come...
                      [Young’s Literal Translation]

                    Consider  the  threefold  manner  in  which  salvation  is  revealed  through  the
              experience of Israel.
                    First comes faith. Only those who believed the testimony of Moses, that the
              blood of a lamb would deliver them from the power of death, were obedient to put the
              blood on their doorways. Similarly, we must believe that the blood of Christ will
              deliver us from the sentence of death incurred through sin. We must take His shed
              blood unto ourselves, believing that it has made atonement for our sin.
                    Secondly, the Israelites experienced baptism into Moses in the Red Sea.

                      I Corinthians 10:1-2
                      Moreover, brethren, I do not want you to be unaware that all our fathers were
                      under the cloud, all passed through the sea, all were baptized into Moses
                      in the cloud and in the sea...

                    Moses in this instance is a type of Christ.

                      Acts 7:37
                      “This is that Moses who said to the children of Israel, 'Yahweh your God will
                      raise up for you a Prophet like me from your brethren. Him you shall hear.'”

                    The prophet like unto Moses referenced here is Christ. Moses instructed the
              people to place the blood of the lamb on their doorways. Similarly, Yahshua gives us
              His blood that we might be passed over by death. The people were baptized into
              Moses,  the  Law-giver,  in  the  Red  Sea.  Similarly,  we  are  to  be  baptized  upon
              confessing faith in Christ to symbolize our union with the Son of God. Consider the
              richness of the following words of the apostle Paul and what they mean for those who
              are baptized into Christ.

                      Romans 6:3-11
                      Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Yahshua
                      were baptized into His death? Therefore we were buried with Him through
                      baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of
                      the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been
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