Page 38 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 38

would ooh and ahh when they walked into the room. God in His wisdom knows just how
               to discipline His children, and this child of His was not permitted to enjoy the fruits of
               disobedience. All my labor went to another man to enjoy. When God had me sell my pick-up
               truck, and then my Tracker, this pattern was continued. Those things purchased through
               debt and disobedience He would not allow me to keep and enjoy.
                     Even though God’s hand of discipline was upon me at this time, so too was His hand
               of mercy and grace. Although I had to sell the house I had fixed up, He had another house
               prepared for us, and He provided just the amount of money we needed to move in. With His
               grace came some discipline, and the vehicle I loved was part of the price.
                     I was learning lessons through all these things, and I was seeing how important were
               both faith and obedience. When God wanted to lead us into some new thing He would
               require faith on our part. For every act of disobedience He would also administer His
               discipline.  How  wise  a  Father  He  is.  He  does  not  allow  His  children  to  run  around
               uncontrolled without disciplining them. As Paul wrote:

                       Hebrews 12:8-10
                       But if you are without discipline, of which all have become partakers, then you are
                       illegitimate children and not sons. Furthermore, we had earthly fathers to discipline
                       us, and we respected them; shall we not much rather be subject to the Father of
                       spirits, and live? For they disciplined us for a short time as seemed best to them, but
                       He disciplines us for our good, so that we may share His holiness.

                     Is it not a great manifestation of unbelief that so many Christians call God their
               “Father,” but they do not believe He disciplines them? What kind of a Father would He be
               if He did not discipline His children? What would we think of a man who let his children
               run around like a bunch of hellions without ever correcting them? We would not think very
               well of such a man. It does not speak well of many Christians’ conception of God when they
               do not recognize, or admit, His hand of discipline in their lives.
                     One thing I was to learn clearly in upcoming months and years was that, even when
               God disciplines us, He does not abandon us. I would not be a very good father if I told my
               children that they would no longer be given food, clothing, or a place to sleep while they
               were under my discipline for some infraction. No! I might put them on restriction, or give
               them a paddling, or ask them to make some type of restitution for their transgressions, but
               I would not withhold from them that which is necessary for them to live. Neither has God
               ever withheld any necessary thing from us during the times of our discipline.
                     Saints, I want to encourage you all to consider this. God is a much better Father than
               we are, yet Satan loves to torment us with thoughts that God has totally forsaken us due to
               some transgression. This is pure balderdash. There is not a thread of truth in it, yet I myself
               have spent many a worrisome day wondering whether God was still with me, filled with
               concern as to whether He would provide the necessities of life for my family and I. Listen
               to the words of Scripture:

                       Romans 8:15-16
                       For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have
                       received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, "Abba! Father!" The Spirit
                       Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God...
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