Page 39 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 39

Galatians 4:6-7
                       Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying,
                       "Abba! Father!" Therefore you are no longer a slave, but a son...

                     We are sons! Because we are sons our Father disciplines us. He does so because He
               loves us.

                       Hebrews 12:6
                       For those whom the Lord loves He disciplines, and He scourges every son whom He

                     When we are experiencing the chastening hand of God, Satan will come to us and say,
               “God hates you. You offended Him now, and He has abandoned you completely.” What a
               pack of lies! We should expect such deceit from the father of lies, but we should not believe
               him. Certainly, if we do not respond with humble obedience to God’s chastening, He will
               have to increase the severity of it, but He will never remove His love from us.
                     I love my son Josiah. He is now fourteen years old, and he is very precious in my sight.
               At times Josiah does things that require that I correct him. Because I love him and desire
               that he should fulfill God’s purpose that he should be conformed to the image of Christ, I
               must discipline him. At times he has continued in sin after being corrected, and I have had
               to discipline him further. The thought has never come into my mind that I should disown
               him, nor have I ever desired to treat him with indifference, or cruelty. I would always be
               delighted to see within him signs of repentance and sorrow over his sin, and my heart is to
               respond toward him in a way that will result in his greatest good. This too is the heart of our
               Heavenly Father.
                     Do not misunderstand me. There is a sin unto death, and Paul wrote to the Corinthian
               believers about some who had died due to their continuing in sin. Yet even this is an act of
               mercy  on  the  part  of  God.  To  allow  a  son  who  is  unrepentant  in  his  sin,  after  many
               chastisements  and  much  discipline,  to  continue  bringing  reproach  to  God  and
               condemnation upon himself, would not be merciful or loving. Paul wrote of one such man
               among the saints at Corinth.

                       I Corinthians 5:5
                       I have decided to deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of his flesh, that his
                       spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Yahshua.

                     Notice that Paul’s judgment is severe, but his goal is salvation. So too does God
               discipline us and, if we respond with a humble and repentant heart, then He is able to relent
               of the severity of the judgment against us. This was the case with this man, for Paul wrote
               of him again in his next epistle to the church at Corinth.

                       II Corinthians 2:6-8
                       Sufficient for such a one is this punishment which was inflicted by the majority, so
                       that on the contrary you should rather forgive and comfort him, otherwise such a
                       one might be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow. Wherefore I urge you to reaffirm
                       your love for him.
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