Page 33 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 33

God does require faith from those who would enter into their promised inheritance.
               We  see  then,  that  when  the  people  under  Joshua  entered  the  land  God  promised  to
               Abraham, that God did not part the waters of the Jordan and then invite them to pass
               through as He had done at the Red Sea. No! He required that they take the first step,
               demonstrating faith before He would manifest His provision.

                       Joshua 3:13
                       "It shall come about when the soles of the feet of the priests who carry the ark of
                       Yahweh, the Lord of all the earth, rest in the waters of the Jordan, the waters of the
                       Jordan will be cut off, and the waters which are flowing down from above will stand
                       in one heap."

                     God may allow murmuring Christians, filled with doubts and unbelief, to go as far as
               the wilderness where their hearts are proven, but He will not allow these same doubters to
               enter  into  the  land  of  promise.  Only  those  who  walk  by  faith,  and  who  demonstrate
               confidence in their Savior, can enter there. God will only reveal His way into the land to
               those who step forth in faith. In the wilderness the saints learn to no longer live by sight,
               and to no longer lean on the arm of the flesh. Here they learn to receive their daily provision
               from God’s hand, and they learn to lean completely upon Him. When they learn the lessons
               of trusting God well enough, then they are led up out of the wilderness and into their

                       Song of Solomon 8:5
                       "Who is this coming up from the wilderness leaning on her beloved?"

                     All those who come up out of the wilderness must be leaning solidly upon Christ. This
               knowledge that faith was necessary in order to go on with the Lord began to dawn on me
               while I was a member of this Southern Baptist church where the message of grace was
               preached so vigorously. I observed many profound things while there. I saw many who
               grasped a message of salvation by grace through faith who became confident that they were
               saved from wrath and were children of God. Continuing the type from Egypt, they applied
               the  blood  of  the  Lamb  to  their  lives,  and  felt  secure  from  the  death  angel.  Yet  few
               demonstrated a practical faith that would have an observable impact upon their daily lives.
               They trusted God with their eternal salvation, but they did not trust God for their present
               needs. They were wilderness wanderers, and they were all dying in this land of unbelief.
                     I began to understand that God would test all of His children in the wilderness, to
               know what was in their hearts. Those who had faith in their hearts would be brought into
               their inheritance, while those who did not would perish in the wilderness. What is the
               means of this testing? It is the same as that experienced by the Israelites in the wilderness.
               God will test us in the physical circumstances of our lives. We can confess loudly and
               fervently that we trust God for our salvation, and for eternal life in heaven, but God wants
               to know if we will trust Him now by placing our lives firmly into His care.
                     It was while we were among these Christians that God first began to challenge our
               family to trust Him for things that men often look to others to provide. One early challenge
               He gave us was to trust Him for our security. We moved to a town near the church. My wife
               had told me she would never move to this town, for she had heard that there was much
               crime there. There was a security system in the house, and when we moved in my wife asked
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