Page 29 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 29

who lacked this glory.
                     Mr. Joyner described one particular scene on this island. He saw Jesus standing with
               a sword in His hand and there was a line of people approaching Jesus. When a man or
               woman would stand directly in front of Christ He would plunge the sword into the person
               and they would fall down and die. None of the people in this queue were glorious in
               appearance, yet after they died they would arise and take on an appearance of glory.
                     An interesting thing about this was that some people, upon having the sword thrust
               into them, would die quickly  and easily. Others underwent what appeared to  be long
               torments, being in continuous agony, never seeming to be able to die, but continuing in
               their suffering. As Rick Joyner observed this he asked the Lord what made the difference
               between those who died quickly and those who went on in continuing agonies. The Lord
               responded, “Those who die quickly are those who ask Me to put them to death.”
                     I was very much gripped by what I read, and the Holy Spirit was ministering to me all
               the time. I understood the substance of those things being shared. As children of God we
               all must embrace the cross, which is an instrument of death. We must all come to an end
               of our independent and selfish ways that we might live as Christ who said, “I never do
               anything  of  My  own  initiative.  I  only  do  the  will  of  the  Father.”  The  Holy  Spirit  was
               impressing upon me that I needed to come to an end of independence in my life that I might
               be qualified as a vessel of honor in God’s house.
                     I had been dwelling upon these things for some days when the Newbolds came to visit.
               I knew that if I wanted to go on with God, to enter into the fulness of those things He had
               laid  up  for  me,  that  I  was  going  to  have  to  embrace  a  death  to  my  many  sinful  and
               independent ways. I knew I could not turn back from what the Spirit was speaking to me,
               for to turn back was to forfeit the good will of God for my life, which was a thought that I
               could not bear. I knew I had to go forward, and the path before me was one of death to the
               old man and his ways.
                     While  contemplating  these  things  the  Spirit  made  it  known  that  this  path  was
               absolutely necessary, and I considered, that since it could not be avoided, I would much
               prefer a quick death to a long and agonizing death. My answer to the Newbolds’ question
               was that they might pray that I would have a quick death.
                     When I shared this, both Charles and Nancy became very serious. They asked me, “Are
               you sure you know what you are asking for?” I assured them that I did. They then turned
               to my wife and asked her, “Are you willing to walk with your husband through whatever
               God will take him through.” Tony hesitated for a second, and then she said, “Yes, I am
               willing.” The Newbolds then prayed for us regarding this matter.
                     Just as Charles was about to go out our front door he turned to me and said, “You
               know, there are many ways the Lord can take us through a death experience, and one of
               them is to bring us to a financial death.” With these words he was gone and I was left with
               a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. There is no doubt in my mind as I look back over
               the past years that Charles Newbold prophesied when he spoke these words to me. The Lord
               did have a financial death in store for us, yet I can only think how fitting and wise this was.
               If the Lord is to take us through a death experience it makes sense that He would choose
               the area of our greatest independence and lay it in the dust. The Lord will go straight to that
               which is the chief stronghold in our lives, for if He can deliver us from that which stands in
               greatest opposition to His will, then He can deliver us from all other things.
                     This pattern is revealed in Scripture. When the Lord led the children of Israel under
               Joshua’s leadership (Joshua being a type of Yahshua, having the same name in the Hebrew)
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