Page 21 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 21

The pressure became so severe that I knew something had to change quickly. My wife
               and I began to discuss where we had gone wrong. We realized that we had been disobedient,
               and had turned aside from the path we were convicted was God’s will for us. We determined
               that our only recourse was to repent and ask God for His mercy. My wife and I did this as
               we knelt down in our living room and prayed to God, confessing our sin and asking our
               heavenly Father to once again be the provision for our home. We estimated that it would
               take many years for us to climb out of debt, even in a best case scenario, but God in His
               mercy had other plans.
                     Not long after we prayed about this, I was at work one day and I had an accident on
               a freshly waxed floor where I fell down and broke my ankle and tore ligaments in my knee.
               The injury to my knee was very painful and required physical therapy. It also left me with
               an impairment in my knee. I did not know that being injured on the job made me eligible
               for a worker’s compensation settlement, so I was surprised when I was told after my
               rehabilitation that I needed to be evaluated to determine what compensation I would
               receive. I ended up being awarded $19,000 dollars, and this went a long way toward paying
               off our debt. Soon after this my wife had an aunt die and we received an additional sum of
               money that allowed us to pay off all of the remainder of our debt. In less than a year from
               the  time  we  prayed  and  asked  God  to  forgive  us  for  our  sinful  spending  habits  and
               covetousness,  and  to  invite  Him  to  once  more  be  our  source  of  provision,  we  were
               completely debt free. This was miraculous, to say the least, and it was evidence of God’s
               grace and mercy extended toward us.
                     After we were debt free God began to speak to me concerning my injury at work. God
               told me that He had broken my ankle and caused the injury to my knee that I might learn
               to walk more carefully in this area of my life. I was reminded of the Scripture from Hebrews
               that speaks of God’s discipline. It specifically mentions God causing an injury to a person’s

                       Hebrews 12:12-13
                       Therefore, strengthen the hands that are weak and the knees that are feeble, and
                       make straight paths for your feet, so that the limb which is lame may not be put out
                       of joint, but rather be healed.

                     God then began to show me parallels between the natural and spiritual applications
               of this discipline He had chosen for me. After the injury I became very careful about walking
               on the floors at work (a hospital). I was always looking for wet spots and paying close
               attention to how I was walking, especially during the months I was on crutches. God told
               me that He wanted me to walk just as carefully in the area of financial stewardship. He
               wanted me to learn to live within my means and not be covetous.
                     This injury affected me in a way that I had never experienced before, although I had
               known numerous injuries in my life. At times I would find myself walking down a hallway
               at work and I would begin replaying the accident in my mind. I would see myself setting my
               foot on the freshly waxed floor and falling. I would see myself lying on the floor unable to
               move my leg and foot. As this scene would be playing in my mind I would stop walking, and
               moments later I would realize I was standing still in the middle of a hallway. I would have
               to tell myself to move, and I would have to wrest my mind free from this image.
                     The Lord spoke to me about this. He said He wanted this injury to be a reminder to
               me to not transgress in this way again. The link between my injury and my disobedience in
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