Page 26 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 26

flesh and walk in a manner worthy of Him.
                     Saints, there is such joy in knowing that God is attentive to us. It really matters not
               whether He is pouring blessings out upon us, or whether He is disciplining us as sons;
               whether he is giving us a positive and encouraging word of prophecy, or whether he is
               speaking  a  word  of  correction.  The  joy  is  in  knowing  His  presence,  His  concern,  His
               watchfulness over our lives. This is why I have said that the saddest person in the world is
               the one who does not discern God’s presence with them.
                     I have not forgotten this first word of prophecy that I received. It has been more than
               ten years since that date, and the words have been brought to my remembrance time and
               again when I needed to hear them. I have been emboldened to stand firm in times of trial,
               and  I  have  been  comforted  through  the  many  times  when  my  obedience  has  been
               characterized as something evil. I know that one day God will vindicate all those who have
               suffered reproaches and false characterizations at the hands of those who call good evil, and
               evil good.
                     There are many Christians today who have been taught that prophetic words are not
               for today. They have received the lie that all such gifts of the Holy Spirit ceased to exist
               when the first apostles died, or around the time the Bible was officially canonized. By
               receiving such falsehoods they rob themselves of another way in which God makes His
               presence known in our lives. The apostle Paul wrote:

                       I Thessalonians 5:19-21
                       Do  not  quench  the  Spirit;  do  not  despise  prophetic  utterances.  But  examine
                       everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good...

                     I have no doubt that there are false prophets and false prophetic words being uttered
               today in abundance. I have heard many such words with my own ears. There is, however,
               a true gift of prophecy that is not to  be despised. I have not run after those who  are
               acclaimed to have such gifts, but have allowed the Lord to bring them to me when He
               desired. When God has brought these prophetic words to me they have had a ring of
               authority, authenticity and truth. In the following chapters of this book I will relate some
               of the other profound words that have been spoken through the men, women, and children
               that God has placed His Spirit upon in these last days.

                       Joel 2:28-29
                       It will come about after this that I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind; and your
                       sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men
                       will see visions. Even on the male and female servants I will pour out My Spirit in
                       those days.
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