Page 16 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 16

having to walk in this sin filled world of heartaches and sorrows. He has not known the grief
               of falling short of God’s perfect will, of being overcome by sin and bringing shame to the
               name of Yahweh. Like Enoch who walked with God and was no more, for God took him, so
               my son was taken into the presence of all that is holy. We are all creations of God created
               for His pleasure, and it is only just and right that God should choose the life for each of His
               children that pleases Him the most. With this I am content.
                     Perhaps some who are reading this have been in similar situations. Maybe you have
               been in an automobile accident, or encountered some other loss or suffering. We all have
               an opportunity to see the hand of God in these things and to respond accordingly, or we can
               choose to live in unconscious reality. We can live as if we are on our own and that God is not
               present, nor is He in control of our circumstances. We can choose to pursue a carnal path
               of getting all that we can by any human means possible, and relying upon the institutions
               of man to be our defense and source of succor. Yet it is always best to rest in God, to hear
               from Him, and to believe and obey.
                     God is present in the tragedies and triumphs of your life. He is as close to you as He
               was to David in all of his life. “The steps of a man are ordered of the Lord” (Psalms 37:23).
               We must choose to believe that God is present in our lives. Only then can we respond to our
               circumstances in a manner that is acceptable and pleasing unto Him.
                     Let me share another occurrence in our early married life that also demonstrated
               powerfully the presence of God in ordering our footsteps. One year we received a tax refund
               of about $600, and when it came we decided to go to a nearby Sam’s club and stock up on
               some groceries, for our pantry had become depleted. As we were driving up the Interstate
               toward the store I thought of another young couple in the church whom we were good
               friends with. They also had young children, and I knew that making ends meet was a
               struggle for them. I mentioned them to my wife and I suggested that we could get two
               grocery carts at Sam’s, and everything we bought for ourselves we could also buy for them.
               Since God had just blessed us with this money we could well afford it.
                     My wife was excited about this idea, and in great agreement with me. So we proceeded
               to the store and ended up spending several hundred dollars on groceries. We swung by our
               friends’ house on our way home, and they came out to greet us. We told them that the Spirit
               had led us to buy them some groceries, and we opened up the trunk of our car to give them
               their portion. Upon hearing and seeing this, the wife of this couple began crying. She then
               told us that her husband had just lost his job and she had only moments before asked “How
               will we eat? What will we do for groceries?”
                     God had answered her concerns, and the question she had vocalized, so quickly that
               she could only weep. God was demonstrating to her that He was present in her life, and that
               of her family, and she need not act as if they were on their own and left to their own
               resources. It also spoke volumes to me. We left them their groceries and then had to hurry
               home to put up our items, and on the way I was amazed as I pondered how God had
               directed our steps, giving my wife and I both the desire and the ability to do this thing when
               we did not even know the circumstances occurring in the lives of our friends. The Scriptures

                       Philippians 2:13
                       It is God Who is all the while effectually at work in you [energizing and creating in
                       you the power and desire], both to will and to work for His good pleasure and
                       satisfaction and  delight.
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