Page 149 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 149

fill out any paperwork, and he said no, that he felt good about us renting from them. We
               gave them a check for the rent and deposits and began moving in the very next day.
                     The rent was close to the amount I had prayed for, and the home was only four years
               old, in great shape, and in a beautiful country setting. It had four bedrooms, which we
               desired, and was just outside the city limits of Byron. It would take less than five minutes
               to be in town. Amazingly to me, although the home is on a farm it is served by two types of
               high speed Internet access. DSL and Cable Internet are both available. The owners also
               allowed  pets,  though  we  were  required  to  pay  a  deposit.  There  were  absolutely  no
               impediments to our moving to this new location. It was as if the Lord had swung the door
               wide open and said, “Here is my provision for you. Enter in!”
                     Even with so many affirmations of the Lord’s hand in this provision, I was troubled
               by stepping out and renting this place, for the memories of our experiences in Montezuma
               were still fresh in my mind. Twice God provided places for us there, only for us to then see
               all financial provision dry up, and I dealt with the agony of not having the money to pay our
               rent. My faith was being tested severely, as the Father was seeking to deliver me from the
               fears that tormented me. I had been struggling to understand why God led us to endure the
               things we experienced in Montezuma, for I had such high expectations and a very profound
               disappointment. Although I knew God was teaching me lessons there (It was there the
               Spirit led me to write the book The Divine Quest), there was much I didn't understand and
               this lack of understanding was producing an unrest and lack of peace in my soul.
                     Just a few days after we had moved into this home, my wife and children were going
               off, and my daughter was to spend the night away. I was sitting in a chair by the front door
               anticipating a quiet evening by myself, and I was watching my daughter come in and out as
               she was constantly remembering one more thing she wanted to take with her. On her last
               trip she grabbed two things and headed for the door, but when she got there she changed
               her mind about a book she was going to take and she turned around and placed it in my
               hands, told me good-bye, and was out the door and gone.
                     I looked at the book in my hands, and it was Hinds’ Feet On High Places by Hannah
               Hurnard. I had never read this book before, but I had the feeling that I had been set-up by
               the Spirit. My family had just left. I was all alone. And God had just placed a book in my
               hands which I felt a strong witness that I was to read. I began reading the book and as I did
               the Spirit witnessed powerfully to me and the tears began to flow. I read of the main
               character, Much-Afraid, and how the Shepherd led her out from her relatives the Fearings.
               I read how the Shepherd led her to one journey after another where her fears assailed her
               and had to be overcome, faith had to be exercised, and her will had to be laid upon the altar.
               As I read I was reviewing my own journey, and I began to understand why my Shepherd had
               been leading me down the paths He had asked me to take. It has been His desire to free me
               from all fears and to learn an unshakeable confidence in Him.
                     I then understood also what he was doing in our current situation, for once more He
               had led me to a place where I had only enough money to pay for the first month's rent and
               deposits, and where the landlord required that the next month's rent be paid on the first of
               the month, only two weeks later. (The first month's rent is for a full month, but the second
               is pro-rated. I know some will be curious.) God was asking me, "Will you trust Me once
               more? Will you dwell in perfect peace this time without listening to the voices of anxiety,
               fear, or evil forebodings?"
                     In this book the main character Much-Afraid is led down many perilous paths, and
               through roads of sorrow and pain. She is tormented by members of the Fearing family who
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