Page 146 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 146

hood to match the other appliances. We sanded and painted kitchen cupboards, and laid
               flooring in a utility room. We built a table to fold laundry on, and installed ceiling fans and
               light kits, and we did work out in the yard as well. All of this manual work proved to be good
               therapy, getting my mind off of the perplexing problems to which I could find no answers.
                     When we had been with the Mills for about two months, the Spirit spoke to me
               through a prophetic word I read on the Internet. The word was posted by Mark Kaphaem,
               and it was titled Stay in the Game.

                       Injury time Out - Do you want to stay in the Game

                            Today in prayer the Lord showed the following to me.
                            I saw a big football game going on and it was an injury time out. There was a
                       player down on the field and the question from the Coach was "do you want keep
                       playing, do you want to stay in the game.”
                       The Coach did not ask him how bad he was hurt or where the pain was. He just asked
                       him if he wanted to play, if he wanted to stay in the game.
                            Then I saw a field with hundreds of players down with injuries. Some would only
                       be out for a couple of plays. Some would be out for a couple of weeks. Some would
                       be out for the rest of the season and others had career ending injuries.
                            I then saw the Lord walk up to each one of these players. He just held out His
                       hand and if they wanted to stay in the game He would pull them to their feet and
                       they were instantly strengthened.
                            I believe the Lord is allowing a brief injury time out right now.
                       Are you down on the field? It is up to you. Do you just need a quick breather or
                       maybe a couple of weeks off? Or is this a season ending injury. Maybe you are hurt
                       so bad you just want to go home.
                            The Lord is coming to you. Do not let your injury determine your decision. For if
                       you want to play, if you want to stay in the game, He is there for you. He is reaching
                       out His hand.
                            The Coach wants you in there. For despite all you have been through, He believes
                       in you. And there is no injury His love cannot heal.

                     I felt a strong witness of the Spirit as I read this word. I had been injured through all
               of the troubling events we had known in Montezuma, and I had taken a time out. I had quit
               writing, and I didn’t even want to think about rejoining the game. It seemed to me that the
               life I knew before, when I was employed as a computer professional, was so much simpler
               and less troubling. At times I envied those who could go to their jobs day after day, receive
               their pay, and live their lives with seemingly little struggle. I was wrestling with despair. I
               had enjoyed the past couple of months where I did not have to get out on the field and get
               knocked down time and again. It was sort of pleasant sitting on the sidelines.
                     I knew, however, that I could not remain where I was forever. God had called me to
               minister to the body of Christ, and I could not be satisfied returning to the life of ease I had
               known before. I did not want to miss out on the high calling of God in my life. There were
               many wonderful promises He had made to us as a family that I knew could only be entered
               into if we stayed in the game and did not turn back. I confessed to God that I wanted to get
               back in the game, despite my injuries. I asked Him to heal me and use me once again.
                     Almost immediately after this the Lord placed it upon my heart to begin writing again,
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