Page 36 - Dragon Flood
P. 36

organization was created to worship. Of Satan, our Lord testified the following:

               John 8:44
               “Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of

               In these brief examples cited here I have revealed the lies of Macon’s founding fathers in the
               false attribution of the name of the city. The city was founded just 24 years after the death
               of George Washington, and was attended by one of the French Masonic Generals who
               served  alongside Washington  in  the  Revolutionary  War.  I  have  cited  Albert  Pike,  the
               Sovereign Grand Commander of Freemasonry in North America between the years 1859
               and 1891. In his Masonic tome Morals and Dogma Pike justified the widespread practice
               of lying and deception among Freemasons. I have also shown examples of falsehood and
               deceit that Masonry has placed even within the covers of the Holy Bible.

               In further chapters of this study I will reveal that Freemasonry, and the Freemason’s god,
               who is Lucifer, have been the true guiding force in America’s national history and the
               actions of her government. Will not men who print lies inside Bibles also print lies in
               newspapers,  and  in  history  books?  I  would  have  those  who  are  disciples  of  Christ  to
               examine carefully all they have received about the history of this nation. Many Christians
               in ignorance have joined themselves to ungodly men, effectually promoting the plans and
               purposes of Satan.

               “Both Jews and Greeks are all under sin. There is none righteous, no not one.... With their
               tongues they have practiced deceit; The poison of asps is under their lips.” Agreeing that
               these statements are true, how critical a matter it is for the Christian to test all things
               carefully. The founding father’s of America were no better than other Adamic men. They
               were not saints. By their own confession they were not under the influence of God, nor were
               they directed by Him. Many had direct affiliations with Satanic organizations and secret
               societies. Only the most naive and careless Christians would accept the popular and widely
               disseminated historical accounts of the character, motives and actions of these men and the
               nation they founded.

               Christians have been propagandized by the most skillful deceiver of all, Satan. In the
               founding of the United States of America the devil found many willing men to do his
               bidding. A few did the will of Satan while recognizing that it was Lucifer they were serving.
               Far more, however, did his bidding in ignorance even as the majority of Freemasons today
               do not know that it is Satan who rules the Lodges they have joined themselves to with
               terrible oaths.

               The earth is truly being flooded by the river of lies that streams from the mouth of the
               dragon and great serpent of old. Be careful of the water that you drink.
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