Page 38 - Dragon Flood
P. 38

Patriots that led directly to the American Revolutionary War in 1775.

               Once more there is no mention of the involvement of Freemasons in this group. This is in
               keeping with the history books used in the public schools in which I was educated. As a
               child I was led to believe that the Boston Tea Party was a spontaneous event by a group of
               American colonists who were incensed at oppressive taxation imposed by the King of
               England. The history books led one to believe this was a grass roots movement, and that
               there was no central group involved in its planning and execution.

               The truth is the men who participated in the Boston Tea Party were largely, if not entirely,
               members of St. Andrews (Masonic) Lodge of Boston. The event was planned and organized
               at the Green Dragon Tavern which was purchased by St. Andrews Masonic Lodge in 1764.
               The lower floor of the two story building was used as a public tavern. The upper floor was
               the Lodge’s meeting hall.

               Green Dragon Tavern

               Note the inscription at the bottom of this drawing. It states, “Where we met to plan the
               consignment of a few shiploads of tea. Dec 16 1773.” It is signed by the artist who was
               evidently a Freemason and member of St. Andrews Lodge. Note specifically the square and
               compass of Freemasonry in the upper left corner. This drawing is signed and dated with the
               same year.

               To  be  fair,  there  are  other  articles  on  Wikipedia  that  make  mention  of  the  role  of
               Freemasons in the Boston Tea Party, though these articles are somewhat obscure. For
               example, Thomas White was an American patriot who took part in this event, and later
               served with George Washington (also a  Freemason) in the American Revolution. The
               following statement is found in the short article located on Wikipedia under the listing
               Thomas White.

               On December 16, 1773, members of the St. Andrew's Lodge and others boarded British
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