Page 35 - Dragon Flood
P. 35

the viewer of these images that they are looking at Solomon’s Temple when in actuality they
               are viewing images of Babylon.

               I will share just one more example of this type of fraud found in this Masonic Bible. In the
               book  of  I  Kings  chapter  17  we  read  of  Solomon  building  “the  house  of  the  forest  of
               Lebanon.”  The  Masonic  Bible  provides  an  artistic  rendering  of  what  the  Freemasons
               envision it to have looked like.

               House of the Forest of Lebanon from Masonic Bible

               As  one  looks  at  this  image they  can see  numerous  Babylonian images decorating  the
               grounds and the face of the building, including once more the winged bulls of Nimrod. In
               the background is observed a ziggurat which we have been told is Solomon’s Temple. The
               Masons, under the guidance of Satan, are presenting images of Babylon and calling them
               Jerusalem.  They  are  taking  Babylonian buildings  and  substituting  them  for  historical
               buildings described in the Bible, and they are adorning all with images relating to the
               Babylonian Mystery Religion. What the artist has done in drawing the house of the forest
               of Lebanon is to take elements from the Ishtar Gate in Babylon and incorporate them into
               his depiction of the building constructed by Solomon.

               Babylon’s Ishtar Gate

               The Freemasons have taken the Bible and filled it with lying images and words. In doing so
               they have demonstrated that nothing that is holy unto God is truly sacred to them. The
               Freemasons have adopted wholesale the character and actions of Lucifer, whom their
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