Page 31 - Attractive Deception - The False Hope of the Hebrew Roots Movement
P. 31

did not repent of their idolatrous practices, He sold them into slavery to the very nations whose gods
               they were worshiping. The northern ten tribes of Israel were led captive into Assyria, and the
               Southern tribes were taken into bondage in Babylon.

               Any sincere Christian who walks according to the leading of the Spirit of Christ, eschewing error
               and loving truth, should be appalled as they observe the great harlot of Rome. This entity that boasts
               of being the largest religion in the world, declaring itself to be the one true and universal church of
               Jesus Christ, has prostituted herself as she has embraced other gods along with their rites, symbols,
               and doctrines. There is far more evidence of Sun worship among the Roman Catholic Church than
               there is worship of the Son of God. It is a gross admixture of the holy and the profane.

               Many  non-Catholic  Christians  recognize  that  the  abominations  of  Rome  have  bled  over  into
               Protestant Christianity. The clergy/laity system is anti-Christian, for the apostles taught that the entire
               body of Christ was called to be a kingdom of priests. The Protestant church has embraced Christmas
               and Easter, Sunday worship, a fixation on buildings with steeples/obelisks, and the list goes on and
               on. A growing number of believers want to heed the command of Revelation 18:4 to “Come out of
               [Babylon/the Great Harlot] My people, lest you participate in her sins and partake of her plagues.”

               Partially due to a failure to recognize the apostate nature of Judaism, an apostasy that began long
               before the birth of Christ, and partially due to the ongoing deception of Satan, Christians are turning
               away from the harlotries of Rome and toward an even older idolatry, one that was birthed in
               Babylon. This is the state of Judaism today. It is as saturated with the religious confusion of Babylon
               as is the Roman Catholic Church. I believe it is more convincing to show people this truth, than to
               tell them it is so.

               Macedonian Hanukiah

               Many Jews and Christians who observe Hanukkah relate the story of the miracle of the oil to their
               children. As you can see in the video below by a popular Hebrew Roots teacher, Hanukkah is being
               embraced as an alternative to Christmas.


               It is difficult to arrive at the true origins of the Hanukkah celebration without providing some
               historical background. In 332 B.C. Palestine was conquered by Alexander the Great. This began a
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