Page 30 - Attractive Deception - The False Hope of the Hebrew Roots Movement
P. 30

Buddhist Monks Lighting Candles

               Buddhist Monk with Prayer Beads

               The Roman Catholic Church has monks. It practices candle lighting. It incorporates prayer beads in
               the praying of the rosary. Seeing that none of these practices come from the Bible, and recognizing
               their presence in other religions extant at the time that Rome began these practices, we observe that
               it was through the practice of syncretism that these things were brought into that which calls itself

               Satan has long been about the practice of introducing the profane into the holy. Before the advent
               of Christianity, Satan had great success in enticing the Hebrew people to adopt many idolatrous
               practices from the nations around them. The Old Testament contains a myriad of accounts of the
               Israelites going after the gods of other nations. Embracing practices from other religions was such
               a temptation that Yahweh forbid the Israelites to marry people from the nations around them lest they
               be drawn away to worship their gods. Nevertheless, the people of Israel transgressed repeatedly, and
               profoundly.  They  adopted  rites,  symbols,  and  even  the  outright  worship  of  other  deities.  As
               punishment, Yahweh sent plagues, drought, pestilence, and warring nations against them. When they
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