Page 26 - Attractive Deception - The False Hope of the Hebrew Roots Movement
P. 26

Hanukkah - An Historic Deception

               Whenever I encounter individuals who have embraced the Hebrew Roots Movement, Christmas and
               Easter are often mentioned. A desire to separate oneself from profane spiritual practices and to return
               to authentic Bible-based observances (Passover, Pentecost, Tabernacles), is often cited as one of the
               reasons people are abandoning mainstream denominational Christianity and adopting a more Hebraic
               approach to the faith of Christ.

               Having for many years been aware of the corruptions that have entered into Christianity, and having
               searched out this matter at significant length, I can sympathize with believers who wish to separate
               themselves from practices that have idolatrous origins. I will not repeat what I have written in many
               other places regarding the unclean spiritual origins of Christmas and Easter. The following titles are
               provided for those who want to look into this subject further.

               A Rockefeller Christmas
               What’s the Big Deal About Christmas?
               Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras), Lent and Easter

               I share the conviction held by many of those in the Hebrew Roots Movement that Christians should
               not observe holidays that are historically demonstrated to have arisen from the worship of false
               deities. I believe Christians should make an effort to separate between the holy and the profane. I
               believe they should heed the divine admonition to not learn the ways of the heathens (Deuteronomy
               18:9). Yahshua said that men should worship God “in spirit and in truth” (John 4:23-24). We fail
               on both counts when we adopt festivals and holy days that were dedicated to false deities (their dates,
               names, symbols, and rites), and then spread a thin varnish of Christianity over them as if the act of
               doing so sanctifies these celebrations and makes them acceptable to Yahweh and His Son.

               Some  Hebrew  Roots  websites  devote  space  to  exposing  the  pagan  and  idolatrous  origins  of
               “Christian” holidays. Videos can be found online where Hebrew Roots teachers expose the unclean
               spiritual roots of Christmas and Easter, while urging Christians to have nothing to do with the
               unfruitful works of darkness. A significant amount of research, fact-checking, and consideration has
               gone into many of these teachings. Yet, I have noticed an absence of the same level of diligence in
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