Page 64 - The Road from Babylon to Zion
P. 64

Yes, it brings glory to God when we restrain our lips. When we are reviled we are to
               speak a blessing in return. When men and women do not understand, when family
               and friends condemn our walk, we are to entrust our reputation to the hands of the
               Father and in due time He will manifest His righteous servants.

               Those who would be citizens of Zion must rule over their tongues.

                       Psalms 141:3
                       Set a guard, O Yahweh, over my mouth; Keep watch over the door of my

               Do not seek to justify yourself, but allow room for the Father to do so.

                       Proverbs 27:2
                       Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; someone else, and not
                       your own lips.

               The road to Zion is a pathway of humility. If you can be evil spoken of and not speak
               a word of rebuttal or retaliation then you have chosen righteously and are being
               conformed to the image of Christ. If you can earnestly pray that those who have
               misjudged you should be forgiven and their trespasses not held against them, then
               you are making progress toward Zion’s gates.

               It takes faith to remain silent when being falsely condemned. The saint must believe
               that although man judges many things falsely,  Yahweh will judge with righteousness
               and fairness. The saint must believe his or her vindication will come, that their
               obedience will have its reward in the hour appointed. Only by having this faith can
               the saint be at peace. Only then can the lambs of God remain silent.

               May you know this peace, for surely the promises of God will come. They will hasten
               forward and not delay.
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