Page 60 - The Road from Babylon to Zion
P. 60

to give the evidences of Yahweh’s leading and prove conclusively to others that this
               path I was walking was laid on me as obedience.

               There were some instances where I tried to bring others to understand why I had
               been removed from my place of ministry and why I was being commanded to walk
               a walk of faith in regard to my family’s provision. When my family: parents, a brother
               and sister, expressed disapproval of my walk I wanted to convince them of the reality
               of Yahweh’s direction in my life. When fellow saints did not understand, I wanted
               them to see. But without exception, I was never able to bring anyone to a place of
               understanding. Those who did not see, still did not see after I spoke to them. Instead,
               I felt like I had just participated in a futile exercise of self-justification.

               After a few times of sharing with others who condemned my walk, I saw the futility
               of trying to convince them otherwise. I felt the conviction of the Spirit that I was to
               not defend myself or my reputation. I was to leave my defense TOTALLY in the
               hands of the Father. He will vindicate all of His servants in His time.

               Part of the Father’s will in this is that His Overcomers should die to their own
               reputations. It is the Father’s will that His elect should die to all that is of self and
               that has its roots in pride. The soul of man wants others to think well of itself. Our
               soul does not want others to think lowly and unworthy things about us. Self wants
               to be respected, but the scriptures reveal that the way to exaltation is the path of
               humility and suffering.

                       Luke 6:22, 26
                       "Blessed are you when men hate you, and ostracize you, and insult you,
                       and scorn your name as evil, for the sake of the Son of Man... Woe to
                       you when all men speak well of you, for their fathers used to treat the
                       false prophets in the same way.”

               It  was  the  religious  people  of  the  day  that  rejected  Yahshua.  It  was  those  who
               considered themselves guardians of the Law and of the holy writings of the prophets
               and patriarchs who condemned One who was totally righteous. Yahshua has given
               fair warning that all of His disciples will endure the same.

                       John 15:20-21
                       “Remember the word that I said to you, "A servant is not greater than
                       his master.' If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they
                       kept My word, they will keep yours also. But all these things they will do
                       to you for My name's sake, because they do not know the One who sent

               I know there are many who will read these words who are walking down difficult
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