Page 24 - The Road from Babylon to Zion
P. 24

Chapter 3 - Ambushed Outside the Gates of Babylon

               I  had  barely  exited  Babylon  when  I  was  met  with  the  first  ambush  of  Satan.  I
               encountered some brothers and sisters who had also come out of Babylon, but they
               had fallen into a snare of the enemy, and to this date I don’t know whether they have
               escaped. But let me back up and give a few details leading up to this encounter.

               My own departure from Babylon was very painful. The Father had told me to stand
               in faith in some matters and to also defend some foundational principles relating to
               the government of God among the flock of which I was a minister. This stand of faith,
               and stand upon the principles of Yahweh’s kingdom, brought me into conflict with
               the other ministers and their wives. People who I had once shared intimately with,
               prayed with, fellowshipped with, broken bread with, and had walked in love with,
               began to call my actions and motives into question.

               I was accused of very base motivations, of being prideful and arrogant, of being a
               gold digger, of being unloving and lacking compassion. All of this antagonism  arose
               because  I  was  urging  others  to  stand  in  faith  and  because  I  was  teaching  the
               scriptural principles of divine government.

               I experienced some very painful times and they culminated in an elders’ meeting one
               Sunday after services where I was rejected by the consensus of the other ministers,
               and I was put out of my place of ministry. The words spoken to me during this
               meeting were unkind and filled with anger and venom. They were not words of love
               between friends.

               Even though the Father had prepared me for this moment by telling me that it would
               happen, it was still a painful experience and one which left me wounded in my
               emotions. I have since found that this is typical of the manner in which many of the
               saints have departed from Babylon, and it can make the saint susceptible to an
               ambush of Satan if they do not choose to put on a heart of forgiveness and love
               toward those who have wounded them. Only a few weeks after being put out of the
               fellowship  of  which  I  had  been  a  part,  I  encountered  some  saints  through  the
               Internet who had also experienced separations, yet they had left with bitterness and
               they wanted to entice others to share in expressions of anger, denouncement, and
               reviling towards Babylon.

               I am not sure how I came across the website of which I speak, but I was initially
               drawn to it because of some insights of the Web page’s creator. In many ways this
               brother had been given insight into the separation that is occurring among the
               children of God in this day. He had some thoughtful teaching, and he created a
               forum where people could gather and discuss topics relating to the work of God in
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