Page 27 - The Road from Babylon to Zion
P. 27
willing to tell others the truth, no matter what the outcome will be. You
may want to have some "lovey dovey" dude in your fox hole with you.
Go for it. In the meantime, I choose to have a LOYAL, honest, and
forthright person in there with me. I especially desire one that is clear
of mind, not DELUDED by his own mind and desires in God, one that
is experienced in the ways of God, one that knows how to shut up and
"receive,” no matter how much he THINKS he knows, and one that is
discerning, not having been muddled in mind by their charismatic
background, so full of love and gifts, hearing all kinds of stuff "from the
Lord," that they are not worth a crap in the REAL world. That, my
friend, is the only warrior that I will be stuck with, in a foxhole. Know
what? The time that Jesus exhibited the most love in His earthly
experience (except at the Cross, of course) was when He drove the
money changers out of His Father's House. I suspect that you would
look upon the adventure as a bit harsh.
It seems appropriate to describe this experience as an ambush, for very suddenly and
unexpectedly I was met with anger and venom that I had not anticipated. Satan’s
most subtle snares always mix truth with error. The people of this group had seen
some truth, but they also had adopted an attitude that was foreign to the character
of God. I was encouraged to join in an attitude of reviling, and those who held this
mindset tried to bully me into agreement with them. But a failure to love will
disqualify the saint who has set their eyes on Zion. With the following words I
attempted to reason with this brother about the absolute necessity of not violating
the principle of love.
I would not attempt to dissuade you from walking in the integrity of
your heart. I would not dream of asking you to lessen your zeal. I would
simply have you to consider, “Is there a point where you quit caring for
people? Have you crossed a line at God’s direction where He has told
you to no longer pray for those in bondage? Has He told you that you
have exceeded the point of Peter’s request when he inquired how many
times he should forgive his “brother?” (Yes, his brother.) Have you had
to forgive more than Christ forgave you, so that you now will forgive
and show patience no longer?”
These are questions I would ask. It is too easy to give up on people. The
scriptures say that we are to rescue some as a branch from the burning.
Are you unwilling to reach out a hand and pull a brother from the fire
because you are indignant that he has taken so long to see the light of
the truth?
You said yourself that Christ went to hell for you. Are you willing to go