Page 60 - The Gate and the Way
P. 60

There are times when it certainly feels like we are being tested beyond our ability to
               bear. It is at such times that Yahweh stretches us, inducing us to force our roots deeper into
               the life of Christ, to find a greater place of abiding in Him. We must be pressed to our limits
               at times that we might grow stronger spiritually. Our Father will never permit us to face any
               temptation, or experience of suffering, that is greater than our ability to patiently bear it if
               we will  avail ourselves of the grace made freely available to  us. When  Paul  entreated
               Yahweh to deliver him from the affliction he was suffering, the Father’s answer was “My
               grace is sufficient for you.” Yahweh’s grace is always sufficient. Nothing can separate us
               from His love.
                     There  have  been  times  recently  when  my  soul  was  weary  of  dealing with  bodily
               affliction. At such times we are tempted to voice some complaint to God. We need to resist
               the temptation to grumble, murmur, or find fault with what Yahweh chooses for us. Grace
               is always present to enable us to rest in God and to trust Him in the time of suffering.
                     I have found it helpful to not allow my mind to dwell on the entirety of the experience
               before me. It may be months before my body is healed from my present injury. The thought
               of enduring week after week of bodily affliction can be overwhelming. At such times, the
               words of Christ prove to be of great value.

                       Matthew 6:34
                       Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own
                       things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

                     It is enough to live one day at a time. Yahweh’s grace is sufficient for each day, being
               perfectly matched to those experiences of suffering He chooses for the perfecting of His
               sons and daughters.
                     Before I end this chapter, a word needs to be shared concerning discerning the various
               reasons for suffering. There are certainly times when Yahweh will remove an affliction if we
               ask Him to. There are times when Yahweh would have us to stand against a demonic attack.
               Additionally, some sickness comes in order to demonstrate the glory of God as He brings
               supernatural healing. The people of God should always seek to know the Father’s mind
               concerning those experiences they are passing through. It was well that Paul sought God
               concerning his affliction. It was also good that Paul accepted the Father’s will when Yahweh
               revealed the reason for the thorn in his flesh.
                     It is beyond the scope of this writing to discuss all the reasons afflictions come into the
               life of a Christian, and to know when the suffering is to be resisted as an attack of the
               adversary and when it is to be accepted as the will of God. Suffice it to say that the saint
               should always seek to know the mind and will of the Father. Yahweh has given His Spirit
               to indwell us that we might know His thoughts, and gain an understanding of His will.
                     A  great  deal  of  suffering  comes  into  the  life  of  the  Christian  due  to  their  own
               disobedience. I have suffered much in my life because of sin. I have been slow to subdue the
               appetites of my flesh. In my body I have suffered ill health due to being overweight and
               eating things that were not health promoting. The saint should always seek to discern
               whether his/her experiences of suffering are due to some disobedience in their life. Only by
               identifying the disobedience can repentance and healing come.
                     Some have gone too far down this path and have suggested that all sickness and injury
               is the result of disobedience. Others respond to all sickness and injury as if it were an attack
               of Satan and they immediately begin rebuking the devil. There are also those who are too
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