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Not all doctors are servants of Satan. There are many who perform a valuable service to
mankind. Every day there are many people whose lives are saved, or improved, through the skill
and knowledge of medical professionals. It is the very fact that much extraordinary good is done
by the medical profession that has made it such a powerful vehicle for Satan to corrupt and
employ for his evil purposes. Because mankind venerates the medical profession, according those
with the title of “Doctor” an increased honor, the medical community has become a powerful
tool in the hands of Satan. Because mankind is predisposed to give great weight to the words of
those who are called “Doctors,” those individuals bearing this appellation are chosen by Satan to
be the spokesmen of his campaign to debase and demoralize humanity.
Like Satan, the medical profession has a reputation for wisdom and knowledge. The prophet
Ezekiel describes the fallen angel Lucifer in the following manner.
Ezekiel 28:12
"You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.”
The first mention of Satan in the Bible portrays him in the form of a serpent, a creature renowned
for its subtlety, or cunning.
Genesis 3:1
Now the serpent was more subtle (cunning) than any beast of the field which Yahweh God had
The Bible reveals that great intelligence and wisdom do not necessarily correlate to
righteousness, truth, or a benevolent attitude. Satan has used his great intellect and knowledge to
wreak havoc among mankind and all creation. Yahshua declared Satan to be both a liar and a
murderer. The Son of God further stated that Satan “comes only to kill, steal, and destroy.”
Humanity errs greatly when it assumes that those with great knowledge or intellect will prove
themselves to be noble and virtuous.
Many years ago I did a study on the caduceus, the symbol of the medical profession. There are
some differences between depictions of this symbol. Some show one serpent entwined on a pole,
while others show two serpents. There are wings present in some images of the caduceus, while
being absent in others. (Some refer to the single serpent on a pole without wings as “the staff of
Asclepius.”) One thing I learned in my studies is that the word “serpent” comes from the same
root as the word “sapient,” which means “wise.” Another thing I observed about this medical
symbol relates to the serpent in the Garden. Before Yahweh cursed the serpent, the serpent was a
winged creature that flew through the air.