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Rockefeller Christmas Tree w/Prometheus Carrying Fire

               These two symbols are very much linked to one another. There is no disparity in the minds of
               Illuminists. To them the image of this fallen bringer of forbidden knowledge, and the lighted tree
               behind it, tell one and the same story.
               [End Excerpt]

               Prometheus is said to have brought the knowledge of medicine and the healing arts to mankind.
               Not coincidentally, the medical profession throughout America has for generations been
               controlled and guided by the Rockefeller family. Their investment in medical schools, and their
               monopoly of the medical certification field, has led to the subverting of the medical profession,
               making it a slave to corporate interests, chief among them being pharmaceutical companies.
               Rockefeller influence has also allowed the medical profession to be used as a platform to shape
               cultural beliefs and values.

               Despite the benefit that many derive from medical practitioners, there is a dark side to this field.
               Most Americans are unaware that the medical profession is the leading cause of death, sickness,
               and injury in the nation. Giving testimony before Congress, Lucian Leape, M.D. stated the

               Findings from several studies of large numbers of hospitalized patients indicate that each year a
               million or more people are injured and as many as 100,000 die as a result of errors in their care.
               This makes medical care one of the leading causes of death, accounting for more lost lives than
               automobile accidents, breast cancer or AIDS.

               The Washington Post reported the following:
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