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P. 172

The proponents of the homosexual agenda speak much of freedom. They say all mankind ought
               to have the liberty to live life as they choose. If men and women desire a same-sex partner, they
               should not face any censorship. If they want a same-sex marriage, then neither government nor
               society should deny them this opportunity. Satan cunningly persuades mankind that homosexual
               behavior is a matter of personal liberty, of freedom to live as one chooses. The reality, however,
               is vastly different.

               As we have seen, the homosexual lifestyle is a culture of death. Death was emphasized
               throughout the Olympics from the Opening Ceremonies that featured children in hospital beds, to
               a fractured image of John Lennon’s head that was assembled by individual participants. (Lennon,
               along with the other members of the Beatles, participated in deviant sex, including
               homosexuality.) At the Olympic ceremony there was a British singer named Sande (pronounced
               Sandy), and an evil character named “Hook.” “Assembling” these disparate pieces of the puzzle
               together we have a forewarning of the death of children at Sandy Hook Elementary School that
               occurred four months later.

               George Michael - Death’s Head - Worshiping Satan?

               Displayed on the floor where George Michael was performing were newspaper headlines. One
               prominent heading bore the words “Tired of Life.”
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