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P. 173

Tired of Life

               The deceit of Satan is that he is forever presenting himself as the friend of mankind, an advocate
               for humanity. This is the disguise he wore in the Garden of Eden when he deceived Eve into
               eating of the forbidden fruit. He acted as if he were her friend, intimating that Yahweh did not
               have her best interests at heart. The serpent suggested that the commandment of Yahweh was a
               restriction of Eve’s liberty, holding her back from self-fulfillment.

               Satan is still plying this same deceit, for it continues to prove eminently effective. He suggests to
               men and women that Yahweh is arbitrarily resisting their pleasure, hindering their fulfillment in
               life by forbidding homosexual relationships. The truth is that Yahweh is seeking to protect
               mankind, for the fruit of homosexuality is physical and spiritual death. Under the guise of
               “FREEDOM” Satan delivers men and women to death. In their blindness, foolish humanity
               believes Satan is their friend and Yahweh is their enemy.

               Satan’s message of freedom induces mankind to cast off the authority of God. Satan leads men
               and women to become anarchists. An anarchist is one who rejects outside government,
               demanding personal freedom to live according to their own self-determination. Homosexuality
               and anarchy have a strong link to one another. Many anarchists are homosexuals, and many
               homosexuals are anarchists. This is not surprising, for the homosexual is in open rebellion
               against God’s government. It follows logically that the homosexual would rebel against all lesser
               forms of government that would impinge upon their liberty to live the life they choose. Once
               rebellion takes root in one’s heart, there is little to stop it from spreading to every corner of a
               person’s life.

               The 2  Psalm speaks of the rebellion of man against the rule of God.
               Psalms 2:1-3
               Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set
               themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against Yahweh, and against His anointed,
               saying, let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

               Since the Garden of Eden, mankind has been attempting to cast away the bands of divine
               government and the cords of restraint that Yahweh has placed upon them. Like a petulant child
               pitching a tantrum, man is determined to do things his own way.
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