Page 46 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 46

promoted by a man who was a racist eugenicist, is taught in all of the public schools, colleges, and
               universities of the land. (Note: The full title of Darwin’s book was On the Origin of Species by
               Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.)
               Evolution is the ONLY explanation for the origin of mankind that is treated as having any credibility
               by the governments and academics of this world, yet there is no truth in it.

               Evolution by Daniel Lee

               Brothers and sisters, if this world system under the dominion of Satan will believe the enormous lie
               of the evolutionists, and will “exchange the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form
               of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures” (Romans 1:23), then
               why should it be difficult to conceive of man having been duped into believing that in the late 1960s
               the American space program sent men to the Moon to walk about on the surface, hold a telephone
               conversation with the President, and then climb back into their space ship and fly back to Earth? The
               very nature of this age we live in is one of great deception. Men are not walking in truth. Their minds
               are filled with the falsehoods of Satan which are promulgated by his human servants.

               I John 5:19
               We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.

               We live in a time when Christianity observes two pagan holidays, Christmas and Easter, as their
               most sacred events of the year. It would require only a minimal effort on the part of the believer to
               discover the true origins of these observances. Christmas is nothing more than the Roman Saturnalia
               repackaged for Christian consumption, and Easter still bears the name of the pagan goddess it
               honored in its origination. The name Easter is a form of the Germanic Eostre, the Babylonian Ishtar,
               the  Aramean  Astarte,  and  the  Canaanite  Ashtoreth  who  is  named  as  one  of  the  false  deities
               worshiped by pagan cultures in the Old Testament, and which the Israelites so often embraced at the
               displeasure of Yahweh.

               I Kings 11:5
               For Solomon went after Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians...

               One of the most commonly recognized symbols of Christianity today is the steeple resting atop the
               churches which lie at every street corner in America.
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