Page 48 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 48

The word obelisk means “shaft of Bel.” Bel is an alternate spelling of Baal. The obelisk alternately
               symbolizes a ray of light from the sun, for Bel/Baal was a solar deity, and the male sexual organ as
               shown in the central image above. What should be obvious to any Christian who studies the Bible
               is that there is no mention of Christ or His disciples erecting an obelisk or a steeple in association
               with the worship of Yahweh. Neither is there any Biblical precedence for Christians observing
               Christmas or Easter. What we do discover is that Yahweh’s people in the Old Testament fell away
               into gross idolatry as they worshiped both Baal and Ashtoreth, an act which always resulted in

               Judges 2:11-13
               Then the sons of Israel did evil in the sight of Yahweh, and served the Baals, and they forsook
               Yahweh, the God of their fathers, who had brought them out of the land of Egypt, and followed other
               gods from among the gods of the peoples who were around them, and bowed themselves down to
               them; thus they provoked Yahweh to anger. So they forsook Yahweh and served Baal and the
               Ashtoreth (Ishtar/Astarte/Easter).

               The Israelites served Baal and Ashtoreth. Today the churches have an obelisk atop the building,
               denoting Baal worship, and their most holy day of the year is Easter, which is synonymous with
               Ashtoreth. Nothing has changed. Satan is the great deceiver who deceives the whole world.

               Brothers and sisters, nothing in this world is as it seems. We live in a world of falsehood, lies, and
               deception. These things are not the exception, they are the rule. How many churches today have a
               steeple atop the place where they meet? How many churches observe Easter, mixing the profane
               symbols and rites of the fertility goddess (Easter eggs, colored grass, flowers, bunny rabbits) with
               the holy sacrifice, death, and resurrection of Christ? How many Christians serve the traditional
               Easter ham, an animal that was loathsome to the Jews and declared unclean by Yahweh? How does
               the meat of a pig symbolize the pure and spotless Son of God? Yahshua was crucified at Passover,
               fulfilling the symbolism of the Passover Lamb. Yahshua is the Lamb of God, not the ham of the

               The origin of the Easter ham is not difficult to discover. The son of Ashtoreth was Tammuz. From
               ancient times his devotees taught that he was slain while hunting a wild boar. The razor sharp tusk
               of the boar cut into the leg of Tammuz and he bled to death.

               Tammuz Dying - Note Gash on Thigh

               Tammuz was considered a god, and was worshiped by the Canaanite people among whom the
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