Page 254 - Foundations
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opposite directions. This seems fitting. We might call this second heavenly book The Scroll of the
               Sacrifice. In Capricorn the self-denial of the Lord is depicted in the goat sinking down in death. In
               Aries we have the same sacrificial offering resurrected, and as some zodiacs show, with a crown upon
               its head. The Lord who submitted to wear the crown of thorns has now received the everlasting crown
               of glory and honor.

               Revelation 14:14
               And I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and sitting on the cloud was one like a son of man, having
               a golden crown on His head...

               In the Akkadian zodiac, one of the most ancient, the name they gave to the constellation Aries was
               Bara-Ziggar, “The Sacrifice of Righteousness.” I am reminded of the words of Yahweh recorded by
               the prophet Isaiah.

               Isaiah 53:12
               Therefore, I will allot Him a portion with the great, and He will divide the booty with the strong;
               Because He poured out Himself to death...

               The decans of Aries are Cassiopeia (the Enthroned Woman), Cetus (the Sea Monster), and Perseus
               (the Breaker). The Greeks credited to Perseus the slaying of the great Sea Monster and the rescue of
               Andromeda. It is not difficult to see in these images shadows of the true story of the triumphant labors
               of the Son of God.


               We now come to the third and last book of the heavens according to the divisions assigned by E.W.
               Bullinger. This is the book of the Redeemer at His second coming.  “The glory that should follow.”
               He writes:

               Like the other two books, it consists of four chapters.

               The first chapter is the prophecy of the coming Judge of all the earth.

               The second sets before us the two-fold nature of the coming Ruler.
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