Page 252 - Foundations
P. 252

are downtrodden, to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord.”

               In Pisces we see the conflict of man, a conflict that Yahshua triumphantly overcame. The Band that
               holds the fish is actually the first of the decans of this sign. It affirms the meaning of this chapter of
               the heavenly book. Mankind is born altogether in sin, enslaved to desires from which he cannot break
               free. Christ has come to deliver man from his bondage.

               Andromeda is the second of the decans. She is depicted as a woman chained. In this she serves as a
               parallel to the image of the two fish bound together. It is an image of cruel slavery, of being held fast,
               awaiting a Savior to come and free her.

               Regarding Andromeda, the Greek Poet Aratus wrote, “Her feet point to her bridegroom, Perseus, on
               whose shoulder they rest.”  The names of the various stars in the constellation Andromeda bear the
               meanings “the Broken-down,” “the Weak,” “the Afflicted,” “the Chained.” Are these words not
               accurate descriptions of mankind in his separation from God? The glory of Yahweh is observed in
               His sending forth a Deliverer to rescue humanity. God has sent forth a Savior to loose mankind from
               their bonds.

               John 8:36
               “If therefore the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.”

               The life of the Christian is not one of ease and pleasure. The life of a disciple is one of struggle and
               conflict. We have been promised the victory. We are assured of the defeat of Satan and our ultimate
               victory over sin. Nevertheless, there is a period of time allotted to all of us where are commanded to
               “work out your salvation with fear and trembling.” Even as the Son of God learned obedience through
               the things He suffered, so too must His bride. In the bands of Pisces and the chains of Andromeda a
               prophecy has been written that testifies to the struggle and sufferings of the church. Christ has
               purchased for us the victory, but it is required of His disciples to exercise themselves unto godliness,
               to resist the adversary, to buffet their bodies and keep them under subjection, and to crucify the flesh
               with its passions and desires. “Those who endure to the end shall be saved.”
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