Page 223 - Foundations
P. 223

see a lion (Leo), a virgin (Virgo) a scarab (the crab of Cancer), a bull (Taurus), a ram (Aries), two fish
               (Pisces), the twins (Gemini), a set of scales (Libra), a scorpion (Scorpio, or Scorpius), a centaur with
               a bow and arrow (Sagittarius), a half ram and half fish creature (Capricorn), and a man pouring out
               water from a vase (Aquarius). Although the creation of these reliefs depicting the zodiac are dated
               to about 2,000 years ago, it is estimated that the star arrangements of the Denederah Planisphere show
               the sky as it appeared more than 2,000 years earlier. Thus, it is believed by many to be a copy of a
               zodiac that was originally drawn 4,000 years ago which would place it close to the time after the flood
               of Noah.

               Observe the image highlighted in red in the image of the zodiac from Esne. This is a figure of the
               Sphinx. It lies between the symbols for Virgo and Leo. It is understood by many archaeoastronomers
               (archaeologists who study the ancient star lore of past civilizations) that the Sphinx serves as a key
               pointing to the beginning and ending points of the zodiac. If a person were to turn back the clock to
               4,000 B.C. (the approximate time of Adam’s creation) at the time of the Summer Solstice, they would
               find that “this solstice took place where the junction of Leo and Virgo is marked by the bright star
               Denebola” (a name meaning “The Lord who comes quickly,”) - Frances Rolleston, Mazzaroth.

               What better way to denote the entire panoply of heavenly figures than with the image of the Sphinx?
               This imaginary creature has the head of a woman signifying the Virgin who would one day give birth
               to humanity’s redeemer. The Sphinx’s hind parts are the image of a Lion signifying the Lion of the
               tribe of Judah come back to reign upon the earth. Thus, the entire heavenly testimony, the glorious
               work of God, is represented in the image of the Sphinx.


               An argument could be put forth that the zodiac should start in Aries, for from antiquity Aries appears
               in lists as the first of the constellations. It is worthy of a short digression to make mention of the
               concept of astrological ages.

               Most people have heard of the Age of Aquarius. It was popularized in the 1960s in the rock musical
               Hair which opened with the song Aquarius. Unfortunately, this has caused many Christians to
               associate any discussion of astrological ages with New Age religion and the hippie culture. A concept
               that relates to astrological ages is axial precession, or precession of the equinoxes. I will attempt to
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