Page 225 - Foundations
P. 225

               The dividing up of the constellations into twelve equal parts, each comprising 30E along the circle
               of the sun’s apparent motion through the heavens, is an invention of the Greeks. If one looks at the
               constellations it is evident that they do not each occupy the same amount of space in the heavens.
               Some constellations are spread out much further than others. There is also some overlap of the
               constellations. This makes it difficult to ascribe definite boundaries to the constellations, and to state
               definitively when the sun has moved from one constellation to the next.

               From a prophetic standpoint,  this  lack of uniformity  and  the presence of overlap among some
               constellations, can be viewed as being divinely inspired in order to convey heavenly knowledge.
               Yahweh has not divided  the  ages of mankind, or the periods of history, up into neat, uniform
               segments. There is a great variation in the span of time appointed to the various works and dealings
               of Yahweh. Some works of God overlap other works. We see evidence of this as the age of Law that
               began with Moses at Mount Sinai gave way to the age of grace and life in the Spirit that commenced
               with the resurrection of Christ and the sending forth of the Spirit to indwell man. The apostle Paul
               speaks of this transition as being progressive, and not clearly delineated.

               Hebrews 8:13
               When He said, "A new covenant," He has made the first obsolete. But whatever is becoming obsolete
               and growing old is ready to disappear.

               The words “becoming obsolete,” “growing old,” and “ready to disappear,” indicate an ongoing
               process. The removal of the old covenant has significant overlap with the institution  of a new
               covenant (not in an individual application, but in a corporate application). In one sense, the beginning
               of the new covenant can be clearly fixed to the hour in which Christ’s blood was shed on the cross.
               The blood of the Son of God sealed the new covenant.

               Hebrews 9:16-18
               For where a covenant is, there must of necessity be the death of the one who made it. For a covenant
               is valid only when men are dead, for it is never in force while the one who made it lives. Therefore
               even the first covenant was not inaugurated without blood.

               Though the new covenant was inaugurated by the blood of Christ, not all men have at this time
               entered into the covenant. A firstfruits company have entered in, and in time all others will follow.
               The kingdom of Christ will grow until it fills the whole earth like the stone that was cut out of the
               mountain without hands in the vision of Nebuchadnezzar. Thus, in practice, we see that there is some
               overlap of the works of God. This is shown in the constellations of the heavens, for they do not all
               have neatly defined boundaries.

               In 1922 the International Astronomical Union set forth proposed standards to define the boundaries
               of the constellations of the heavens. We cannot accept these boundaries that have been determined
               by man to be the same as those determined by God. Nevertheless, we see in these boundaries that the
               constellations each vary in size. The sun remains in each of the twelve constellations for an unequal
               amount  of  time.  Using  the  IAU’s  boundaries,  we  find  that  the  sun  abides  in  each  house,  or
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